Psychological Services
We offer a humanistic and compassionate service in Individual Psychotherapy for young people and adults and Mentoring in Clinical Psychology for professionals in Gestalt Therapy and Gabor Maté's Compassionate Inquiry (CI), guided by PhD Psychologist Raquel Turci Pedroso. Over 20 years' experience in psychology, permanent dedication to improvement and commitment to transformative, ethical and responsible care.
Services in Portuguese and English.
Individual psychotherapy in person and online
Weekly or bi-weekly individual sessions, lasting 60 minutes, aimed at dealing with trauma, acute stress, addictions, mental suffering and dysfunctionalities that prevent us from living and coexisting in the here and now with authenticity. An invitation to be present to the sensations, emotions and beliefs that interact and reveal forms of expression that allow us to compassionately arrive at an authentic expression of being in the world.

Mentoring in Clinical Psychology
Individual training for psychotherapists who want to refine their voices and visions of themselves as professionals, understanding the vulnerabilities and triggers that clinical situations have brought as challenges to therapeutic bonds. Moments to exchange knowledge, references and mental health care networks to protect patients' lives and well-being.